- Commandaws
is a CLI to control access to AWS accounts. Its configuration file is
located at ~/.aws/config
Print the identity information of the current AWS account.
# Command
aws profile [profile_name] sts get-caller-identity
# Example
aws profile user1 sts get-caller-identity
Configure the terminal to get access to a new AWS account.
Step 1: Add the AWS account information to ~/.aws/config
# Syntax
[profile [profile_alias]]
region = [region_alias]
credential_process = ada credentials print --account [account_id] --role [role_type]
# Example
[profile user1]
region = us-west-2
credential_process = ada credentials print --account 1234567 --role Admin
Step 2: Change the default AWS profile.
export AWS_PROFILE=user1
# Command
aws ecr get-login-password --region [region_alias] \
| docker login \
--username AWS \
--password-stdin [isengard_account_name].dkr.ecr.[region_alias]
# Example
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 \
| docker login \
--username AWS \
Upload files or directories to an AWS S3 account.
# Command 1: Upload a file to AWS S3.
aws s3 cp [path_to_file] [s3_url]
# Example 1
aws s3 cp ./model-data.tar s3://user1/model-dir/
# Command 2: Upload a directory to AWS S3.
aws s3 cp --recursive [path_to_directory] [s3_url]
# Example 2
aws s3 cp --recursive ./model-data s3://user1/model-dir/